Monday, September 30, 2019

تأميم قطاع التأمين في العراق

تأميم قطاع التأمين في العراق 1964
  مقدمة نقدية


مصباح كمال

Click here for the English Summary

- بدأ تاريخ النشاط التأميني في العراق بدخول شركات تأمين بريطانية للعمل في العراق سنة 1920 وبصدور أول قانون عراقي وطني للإشراف على شركات التأمين سنة 1936

- صدرت قوانين التأميم في تموز 1964*. كان في حينها تسع شركات تأمين عراقية (حكومية وأهلية) وخمسة عشر شركة أجنبية .

- كان الدكتور خير الدين حسيب العقل المدبر لقرارات التأميم حتى أنه ترأس المؤسسة الاقتصادية التي أشرفت على تنفيذ هذه القرارات لحين استقالته في 1965 بعد تشكيل حكومة الدكتور عبد الرحمن البزاز .

- كان التأميم متأثرا بالتجربة المصرية حيث تعرّف د. حسيب عليها في زيارته لمصر سنة 1961 عندما كان محافظا للبنك المركزي العراقي .

- لم يتضمن التأميم مصادرة أموال شركات التأمين بل تضمن تحويل الأسهم إلى سندات تخضع لفائدة تدفع لحملة الأسهم ، حيث التزمت الحكومة بروح قرار الجمعية العامة للأمم المتحدة المرقم 1803 لسنة 1962 القاضي بدفع تعويضات مناسبة لصاحب المشروع المؤمم وفقا للقانون الدولي .

- القوانين المنظمة لتأميم شركات التأمين والصادرة في 1964-1965 موضحة في المقالة المفصلة.

- دام تأميم قطاع التأمين مابين الأعوام 1964 و1997 حيث صدر قانونا جديدا للشركات . تأسست أول شركة تأمين أهلية (قطاع خاص)  في عام 2000 .

توضح المقالة المفصلة الدوافع الاقتصادية والآيديولوجية للتأميم، وتبين إسلوب التفكير وراء التأميم، وتبحث في مدى كونه "اشتراكياً"، وتقيّم نتائجه . كما وتناولت الورقة بعض القضايا العامة مثل دور التأمين في تقليص اعتماد الاقتصاد على الريع النفطي وإعادة تشكيل الهيكل الطبقي.

يعتقد كاتب المقالة أن نتائج التأميم لم تكن متجانسة. إن القول بأنه لم يكن هناك بديل للتأميم مسألة قابلة للنقاش فقد كانت هناك خيارات أخرى لتطوير قطاع التأمين كتحديد دور للدولة ودور للقطاع الخاص في النشاط الاقتصادي.

* في عهد الرئيس عبد السلام عارف

أعلاه ملخص لمقالة كتبها مصباح كمال باللغة العربية ونشرت في الروابط أدناه :

كتب الملخص باللغة الإنجليزية : مصباح كمال    التنقيح : وفاء
حضرت الملخص باللغة العربية : وفاء    التنقيح : مصباح كمال

The Nationalization of Iraq's Insurance Sector - A Critical Introduction

The Nationalization of Iraq's Insurance Sector - 1964

A Summary

Misbah Kamal

الملخص العربي هنا

-         The history of insurance in Iraq was marked by the operation of two British insurance companies (1920) and the publication of the first Iraqi law regulating insurance activity (1936).

-         The nationalization laws were issued in July 1964*.  At the time, there were 9 Iraqi insurance companies (public and private) and 15 branches/agencies of Arab and foreign insurance companies.

-        The brain behind the nationalization was Dr Khair Ed-Din Haseeb who headed the Economic Enterprise that supervised the implementation of the nationalization laws.  He resigned his post in 1965.

-          The nationalization was a copy of what was applied in Egypt.  Dr Haseeb acquainted himself with the Egyptian experience in 1961 when he was the governor of the Central Bank of Iraq.

-         Nationalization was carried out without confiscation.  Owners/shareholders of the nationalized companies were compensated by turning shares into bonds earning interest for shareholders.  The nationalization act was consistent with the UN General Assembly Resolution No 1803 of 1962 on fair compensation for owners of the nationalized companies.

-          The Insurance provisions of the three laws governing nationalization, issued in 1964-1965, are discussed in the paper.

-         The nationalization of the insurance sector lasted from 1964 to 1997 when a new company law was issued.  The first privately owned insurance company was established in 2000.

The full paper outlines the economic and ideological motives for nationalization.  It questions the thinking behind the act of nationalization, examines the extent to which nationalization was a “socialist” measure and assesses the outcome of nationalization.  General issues like the role of insurance in reducing dependency on oil rent and re-formation of the class structure were raised for brief comments.

It is the author’s belief that the overall outcome of nationalizing the insurance sector was mixed.  There was progress in certain areas but equally there were constraints on development.  To say that nationalization was inevitable is questionable as there were other options besides nationalization in developing the country’s insurance sector, such as defining a role for the state in economic activity side by side with a role for the private sector.

*During Abdul Salam Aref presidency.

The above is a summary of a paper written in Arabic and published in 2008. It is available in the following links:

A PDF version can be obtained by contacting the author.

The English summary was written by Misbah Kamal and edited by Wefa M. S.
The Arabic summary was prepared by Wefa M.S. and edited by Misbah Kamal

Misbah Kamal learnt the principles of insurance in Baghdad when he started working for the National Insurance Company (1968). He holds first and postgraduate degrees from British universities (1967- 1978). Misbah worked for a London-based international insurance broking house and retired in 2016.

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

The History of Iraqi Law - A Summary

Translated from Arabic by
Wefa & Sabah Al-Mukhtar 

  النسخة العربية هنا
Iraq was divided to three Provinces* (Mosul, Baghdad and Basra), which were under the Ottoman rule until the British Occupation in 1917.

At that time, the Ottoman courts used to apply the provisions of Islamic Fiqh (jurisprudence), a system built on judicial precedents issued by judges.  

The Ottoman courts had difficulty issuing consistent judgements because the courts relied on various books of Islamic jurisprudence. Thus in 1869 a committee was formed at the Astana Juridical Department in Istanbul to produce a unified legislation for the Empire.
In 1804, France issued the French Civil Code. This prompted the Ottoman judicial committee to use the French Civil Code’s Table of Contents as a template for the Ottoman Law. Then the committee compiled and unified the provisions based on the Hanafi School of Thoughts by reviewing all jurisprudence books and choosing the best provisions for each issue. Thus the Ottoman Civil Code “Al-Ahkam Al-Adliya” was established.  Subsequently it was applied throughout the Ottoman Empire including in the three Iraqi Provinces and later during the Kingdom of Iraq until 1951 when the Iraq civil law ‘ No. 40 of 1951’ was issued, considered to be the most important Iraqi law, which is still used today.

* The three Provinces were separated by Latitudes 32 and 36, which the United States used to determine the no-fly zones imposed during the blockade years 1991-2003